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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

3° Año - Materials and their Properties _ Videos, a presentation and reading material

To watch this Materials and their Properties presentation click HERE.

To read more click on these links: Properties  -  Materials  -  Materials & Properties

Watch these related videos. Remember to activate subtitles before watching.

Here there are some pics to read and see.

To complete a self check activity click on the word link below (Para resolver esta actividad de autocorrección - se corrige sola y puede completarse tantas veces como quiera): 


1) Complete all activites.

2) Click on FINISH! button at the bottom of the page.

3) Click on CHECK MY ANSWERS button.


Friday, September 15, 2023

4° Año - Airboard Videos

 Hello everyone! Let's watch the machine we just read about in English class, the Airboard, and see what they can do. Let's!